Things happening

'Sarf & West mate, Sarf & West'
Pete Bernfeld
Tue 21 Jun 2011 21:27
Or to put it anotherway, money being spent!
Yesterday brought a shed-load of cleaning material (yes, founder members
of 'The Bury Hill Mob' will remind me that it's not the buying but the
using that counts.) Saildrives are out so today I will be clearing out the
engine compartments, lots of coral and a few 'fluids'.
One starter & alternator has been rewound OK at a reasonable price. Second
set has been ordered at less than half the price of parts fom the UK.
Nothing much else to say at the moment except that I'm definitely doing a
job a day and no more. Maybe I'm not taking in enough fluids but I
definitely start to flag by mid-morning, so for example yesterday after a
couple of hours shopping I didn't have much energy left for cleaning,
although I did help Martin manmhandle the saildrives/gearboxes. Sad eh,
must be the age!

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