The Dreaded Lurghy
'Sarf & West mate, Sarf & West'
Pete Bernfeld
Wed 29 Jun 2011 19:04
down with a bad cold (flu really dears, but let's not be too too
melodramatic). Luckily this has now more or less run it's course, just
leaving the occasional hacking cough in its wake. Naturally, this meant I
was even less enthusiastic about doing any work on the boat, but after
much prodding the outboard is finally off the dingy (seized of course- the
outboard that is), the dingy has been moved underneath the boat, my pile
of belongings has been sifted through, sorted/slung/taken away for washing
as appropriate.
I have a new favourite shop, Vinod Patel, purveyors of just about
everything a shipwrecked matelot could need. The initial forey with Smiley
& Jim last week provided bucket, cleaning materials, a hand-pressured
spray for spreading disinfectant just about anywhere you could possibly
think of and a pair of sandals (F$8.50, about £4, Clarke's eat your heart
out!). This weeks expeditions with Carolyn & Andy have yielded a new
plastic toolbox, set of screwdrivers, smallie hacksaw, replacement pliers
and a small socket to fit the outboard nuts. Carolyn (at least according
to Andy) had been feeling left out of all the work, so yesterday he
presented her with the ships bell, a pair of latex gloves, a sponge with a
scrubbing pad on the back and a bottle of brasso. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO
Today I will be mainly crawling inside the small void between the cockpit
deck and the bridgedeck, trying to locate the nuts which hold the (bent)
port davit on so I can get that off and straightened. All the
instruments/chart plotter have been removed and I unbolted the SSB. En
passent (I have to crawl past it to get to me nuts) I may remove the
inverter/charger which hasn't been removed yet.
A bit early to start advertising for crew yet (about 12 months too early I
fear, however there may be some cruising around Fiji in the next six
months or so, but 12 months before the voyage continues), however there is
a vacancy which has not unexpectedly become available. Experts in GRP
repairs particularly invited to apply. Usual conditions apply (solvent
female non-smoker with a really, really, really good sense of humour).
Cruising: Boat maintenance in exotic locations
Fiji: +6799212518
A writer's life for me?