Work in progress
'Sarf & West mate, Sarf & West'
Pete Bernfeld
Mon 8 Aug 2011 17:58
Looking better after a good scrubbing/washing/sanding and two coats of wood preservative. This cabin (apart from the initial deep cleaning) is all my own work
Likewise the fridge (or more accurately the fridge area). Still some way to go!
A loooong way to go!
The man who's doing most of the hard graft, Kuto.
The man who's been doing most of the 'encouraging' get on with it you idle *******), Jim in his 'office'.
So, things are moving. Peter the German (Peter Malaycha) is off n a delivery trip, the BVI's to Fiji in a 50ft Beneteau. Hopefully he'll email me his 'shopping list' and I'll order from Australia so as soon as he gets back work on the hull repairs can start.
No news on the book front. My bio now is on the publishers web page
Life goes on!
Cruising: Boat maintenance in different locations
Fiji mobile number +6799212518
A writer's life for me?