Indian restaurants, pussy farts and the ten dollar store

'Sarf & West mate, Sarf & West'
Pete Bernfeld
Mon 18 Jul 2011 05:51

Colourful or what??????

A bit more up market than the Hop Hing Chinese 'caff', but the food? Well maybe not quite as good. Certainly a F$6 lunch was cheaper than Hop Hing but not as much 'on yer plate', if you know what I mean. Still, it made a pleasant change even if the chicken curry was mainly bone (winge, winge winge

Now I'm sure you're wondering what I've been up to, reading the second item in the title, so I'll leave that until last!

I went in search of a bag of rags this morning (what do you mean, check your laundry basket?) for the chap wot's coming tomorrow to do some cleaning. I chanced upon the pipe and hydraulic coupling establishment which sold me a bag of (new, straight off the roll) cotton rags for.........F$10. Not a particular bargain but I needed something for tomorrow. A little while later, I went back to the very same emporiumt, clutching Jim's outboard's fuel pipe in me 'ot and sweaty as an example of what I wanted and said:" Excuse me my good man, would you happen to have one of these, but a trifle longer? Any colour will do and would you perchance happen to have a matching pair of pipe clips to prevent fuel spillage?"
The reply, "Eh??"
So after translation I had the pipe and clips. The price? F$10. Hmmm!!!
Now then, the bit that you've been hanging on for and I fear that you may be disappointed. There are two kittens in the house, the small white(ish) one has taken a bit of a fancy to me and invades my lap whenever I sit at the computer. So far so good, but it has a strange digestive system. When it purrs, it develops hiccups. Most peculiar, but even worse after a few moments of hiccups it lets rip.......exit one farting pussy stage left (or right) propelled by whichever of my hands is free. See, I knew you'd be disappointed!
Pussy photos on some other occasion. Now you're thinking...............
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