
'Sarf & West mate, Sarf & West'
Pete Bernfeld
Sun 4 Nov 2012 06:49
About five metres from the refueling jetty the engine stopped. No real drama, we (me and Trouters) drifted into the dock without hittnig anything. OK, F$150/65 litres later ready to leave. Engine started OK....just outside the marina engine stopped and would not start. Dropped anchor and club boat arrived. Henning has a 5hp outboard which couldn't quite manage to do the job. Anchor windlass played up (now fixed) so Henning pulled up the anchor by hand. OK it was only about five metres of chain but even so...
Arrived on pontoon and secured the boat. Tried the engine....vroom vroom. OK, must be an electrical problem. I called Calypso on VHF and told them I wouldn't be coming over to the Tradewinds anchorage right now.
David on Puddytat heard about the electrical problem and so he and Sylvie came over. Sylvie insisted on doing some cleaning whilst David had a look at the electrical problem. There still might be a minor electrical problem but it pales into insignificance when compared with the leaking crankshaft seal. It can't be done in situ so the engine has to be demounted but not actually removed from the boat. David and Henning discussed the job. David will have to fabricate a couple of tools but it should be do-able. So much for Conker Bollocks bench running the engine. In fact, it looks like he did very little to either engine, little as in close to zero. The saga continues....
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