Never goes smoothly

'Sarf & West mate, Sarf & West'
Pete Bernfeld
Tue 1 Sep 2009 14:56
Good news/bad news:
The good, dingy leak & outboard have been fixed. Went to the Trini
Independence day celebrations yesterday. A good 'lime' listening to local
steel pan bands/MC and a really good calypso singer in the afternoon,
followed by a Chinese take-away and firework display (just to be clear,
the firework display was absolutely unconnected with the take-away!)
Bad news, I may need a new starter battery unless I have an earth leak
somewhere. Cockpit table has not yet been re-mantled.
Worse news is 'new crew' has problems at home (tenants leaving a rental
property) so she has to fly back this week instead of moving onto
Trouters. May take some time to sort out so 'back on the road again' and
still solo. More later as the saga unfolds.