Land Ahoy!!

Scot Free III
Frank & Anne
Fri 4 Nov 2016 19:36
27:22.8N 18:25.4W
After just over eight days we have our first sight of land, El Hiero, the westernmost island in the Canaries archipelago. The fist sight of almost anything except the horizon. No dolphins, no whales, four birds and two ships. A bit sad really to have travelled such a distance and seen so little wildlife. Hope that is not a sign of global warming or overfishing.
I almost had a glass of wine to celebrate (we don't normally feel like alcohol on long passages, it plays havoc with alertness on night watches) and just to show me who's boss, Mother Nature conjured up a squall. I leapt to the wheel, the glass tipped over and the wine ended up all over the cockpit sole. However, I have now devised a wine glass anti tipping device and to ensure that it functions correctly I followed good engineering practice and put it through a thorough testing regimen. Just to be sure.