A long day in Manhattan

Scot Free III
Frank & Anne
Mon 6 Aug 2018 10:00
Left the boat at 8:30 and returned at 21:30- lots of walking, numerous subway journeys ( a few stations revisited when we got lost) many pit stops and great sight seeing. 
First up- The Guggenheim, Frank Lloyd Wright’s design, a spiral structure with a ramp a quarter of a mile long. image1.jpeg
The oculus was spectacular, made of 169 panes of glass 96 feet above the floor. 
A woman with her throat cut - Giacometti ‘s iconic bronze but a rather disconcerting one.    His sculptures and paintings constitute the main exhibition this summer. 
The ‘One Hand Clapping’ exhibits in two side galleries were in stark contrast and offered an interesting and entertaining take, from Asia, on “our challenging and changing relationship with technology and the future” through multi media installations.