Messolonghi (Reaching new heights)

Karen & Richard
Mon 19 Apr 2010 18:21

Monday 19th April – Messolonghi (Reaching new heights)

38:21.686N 21:25.005E


Overnight we had some wind, rain and thunder.  The day started still and overcast, heralded by the sound of the horn on the bread man’s van as he announced his arrival, and then followed by the liveaboard radio net in the marina, and then breakfast. 


The highlight of the day for me was my first ever ascent of the mast.  I was volunteered this morning to go and fix the deck light which sits half way up (normally I hoist Richard up the mast to deal with these things).  Not being one for heights it felt quite an achievement and I was pretty pleased I made it.  Meanwhile Richard was on deck getting into trouble for rocking the boat and chatting to Anna instead of lowering me down … evil sod.  The good news is we now have a working deck light.


Richard has also carried on with various maintenance jobs onboard such as servicing our life-jackets in between watching the launch of a number of boats today.  Further down the marina the workmen have been busy floating out new mooring blocks for the next pontoon to be installed.


Although fine enough in the morning we have been subjected to showers on and off during the afternoon so I started a book and did some cooking.


Messolonghi:  Climbing the mast

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