Messolonghi (Mesolóngion)

Karen & Richard
Sun 4 Oct 2009 15:26

Sunday 4th October – Messolonghi (Mesolóngion)

38:21.686N 21:25.005E


We were up early and took Pyxis out for a morning sail; it was a beautiful day – no wind, clear skies and lots of warm sunshine – we had breakfast as we motored gently along.  I tried fishing from the back of the boat and managed to catch a mackerel – unfortunately it was much too small and so we carefully returned it to the water.  We came back around midday and David and Sarah were there to catch our lines.


This afternoon there was a marina BBQ.  Yannis provided a rather large BBQ cum spit roast and everyone supplied their own protein and a dish for the table.  There must have been 30-40 people and the salad dishes were great – some interesting salads and no two the same.  Some people brought desserts instead of salads and so the balance worked really well.


It was a good opportunity to meet the others at the marina and I met three couples who coincidently came from in and around Chesterfield.




© Pyxis 2009