Nisís Trizónia

Karen & Richard
Mon 21 Sep 2009 18:55

Monday 21st September – Nisís Trizónia

38:22.166N 22:04.490E


This morning the sound of a bow thruster announced the departure of our neighbours.  All was still in the harbour but a strong easterly forecast meant we weren’t planning on moving on; sure enough, half an hour later, the wind kicked in and quickly built, and soon, outside the shelter of the bay, white horses were cresting through the strait once more.


Yesterday, despite our efforts, we managed to leave one path untrod.  So after breakfast, some engine maintenance (oil, water, fan belt, etc.), and a trip to the village to pick up some bread, we set off once again into the nearby wilderness.


Near the harbour, we met one of the locals doing his rounds, apparently feeding the local wild but pampered cat population, but after we had walked around the small bay and headed off towards the east end of the island we once again encountered nobody on our trek.  Along the way the sun came out from behind some clouds and inland we were sheltered from the wind, making it pleasantly warm – the ambient temperatures have dropped quite a bit over the last few days though still up in the twenties J 


The track we followed branched a few times along the way and we explored each one.  Some of the branches led to isolated villas or smallholdings on the hillside, but one led to a beach at the east end of the island.  We stopped to rest watching some of the large ships moving along the strait but then meandered back towards the harbour, ticking off any remaining paths on the way.


Later this afternoon we moved Pyxis along the quay a little way to take a space a departing yacht had vacated, and then settled down to some book.  This evening I have treated myself to a DVD.