Roccella Ionica, Calabria

Karen & Richard
Sun 19 Jul 2009 22:58

Sunday 19th July – Roccella Ionica, Calabria

38:19.664N 16:26.023E


The wind had eased but decided to get up again in the early hours, gusting over 30 knots.  It had moved around a bit and so at 2am it was time to rescue the sun awning.  With this safely stowed, the wind obviously eased and we had a peaceful night.


There was the usual dawn chorus from our neighbour but we managed to turn over and go back to sleep.


This afternoon I cut Richard’s hair.  Unfortunately neither of us checked the setting on the trimmer before I started and the first sweep up the back of the head was a number one; oops, he looked like a badger – little me in big trouble. 


After a ‘debate’ over what to do next, we settled on a number three rather than the usual number four cut with a bit of number two around the number one to try to disguise the badger look.  In all the excitement I forgot to take a photograph for posterity but I think Richard is rather pleased about that.


The guy next door then shaved his head entirely so Richard felt a bit better.



Roccella Ionica:  Artist’s impression


© Pyxis 2009