Avelomona, Kíthera

Karen & Richard
Thu 1 Jul 2010 18:19

Thursday 1st July – Avelomona, Kíthera

36:13.551N 23:04.970E


We both awoke feeling tired and decided to stay another day in this pretty spot; we think it’s the effect of 3 weeks of sleep deprivation in Khania catching up with us.  It has been hot and sunny all day with a light breeze in the shelter of the harbour.


A yacht arrived and anchored off the harbour at about 8.00am but left again at lunchtime.  Tonight, we are on our own in port again. 


We forgot to mention the dolphins in our blog the other night; on our way to the anchorage at Dhiakofti in the strong winds we were joined by a pod of small dolphins as we rounded Andidragonera.  They played at the bow for a few minutes before heading off - they are the first we have seen so close up for a while.