Goodbye Oz

Silene's cruising log
Jørn and Eli Nygaard
Sat 26 Jul 2008 09:41
Vi var tidlig klare i morges, men ventet et par timer på medstrøm før vi lettet anker klokken 10. Starten på rallyet gikk ikke før 11, men vi ville gjerne komme lengst mulig før vi fikk motstrøm og lite vind (det har skjedd hver ettermiddag).Det har vært en fantastisk fin dag, med lite vind og flat sjø. Akkurat sånn vi liker det. Det går ikke så fort da, men vi har god tid. Solen har akkurat gått ned, og vi ser enda rundt 100 seilbåter rundt oss. Forhåpentligvis holder vinden seg gjennom natten. xxx E&J
We were ready to go early this morning, but had to wait for the current and picked up the anchor around 10. The official rally-start was at 11, but we wanted to get as far as possible before the afternoon conditions with counter current and no wind. We just got those conditions now, doing only 2.8 knots over ground. It really has been a fantastic day with light winds and no seas. Just the way we like it. We don't mind slow, as long as it is comfortable. Sun just went down, but we can still se around 100 other yachts. Hopefully the wind will blow just enough to push trough the night. xxx E&J