Cullen Point

Silene's cruising log
Jørn and Eli Nygaard
Fri 20 Jun 2008 21:13
We anchored behind Cullen Point last night after a nice day, but fustrating sail. We started off well, with a bit of breeze from SE and current with us. By ten o'clock, the current had turned against us and the wind were doing funny things. In the afternoon we had SW wind and sloppy seas, and realized just too late, that anchoring off the coast would be horrible, so we turned around and went back so that we could hide behind this only point deep enough for us. Got in just after dark. The night has been good. We'll keep going south today, as there are still to strong winds in the gulf to cross over.
Vi ankret bak Cullen Point sent i går kveld etter en fin dag, men frustrerende seilas. Det start supert klokken 07 i går morges, men allerede ved 9-tiden fikk vi motstrøm. Siden kom og gikk vinden -fra varierende retnigner. Utpå ettermiddagen hadde vi god vind, men fra SW. Vi innså til slutt at det ville bli helt umulig å ankre langs kysten, med vind og sjø stående rett inn. Vi snudde og gikk tilbake for å gjemme oss bak den eneste odden der vannet er dypt nok for at vi skal kunne gå inn. -hit kom vi rett etter at det ble mørkt. Har sovet godt i natt. Fortsetter videre sydover i dag, siden det ennå er for mye vind i gulfen til å krysse over.