Wonderful sailing

Silene's cruising log
Jørn and Eli Nygaard
Thu 8 Feb 2007 18:42
Vi har strålende forhold til havs. Rundt 15 knops vind og god medstrøm. Vi
seiler nå med redusert seilføring for at de andre skal ta innpå oss. Vi gikk
litt lenger syd enn dem i natt, og har antakelig hatt litt bedre føre.
Natten var veldig fin. god vind, stjerneklart og månelyst. Har kopiert mass
lydbøker, så nå går nattevaktene mye raskere. vi har nettop spist pizza til
conditions at sea are excellent. we had a beatiful night with good winds,
stars and moonlight. at the moment we are reducing sails to allow the other
two boats to reduce the distance between us. we went a bit further south
last night, and made a bit more speed. we have just had pizza for
dinner -and wish we had more sweets on board.
all well on board