Moving again

Silene's cruising log
Jørn and Eli Nygaard
Thu 19 Jun 2008 09:55
22:20.878S 142:06.682E
We left Seisia this morning and headed south along the coast. With wind on the nose and choppy seas, we did not go very fast, and spent all day sailing with not very much distance covered at the end of the day -although it was a nice sail. We've now anchored for the night and will continue south tomorrow.
Vi forlot Seisia i morges, og har seilt hele dagen på skarp kryss i motstrøm. Vi har tilbakelagt overraskende kort distanse, men det har vært en fin dag. Ankeret er nå ute. Seilasen fortsetter videre sydover i morgen.
xxx E&J