Ormos Vathi - Nisos Sifnos 36:55.86N 24:41.40E

Sue & Alan
Wed 16 May 2018 17:28
We departed Serifos at noon today after relocating sterns-to the harbour wall for one night. This was because we were beginning to feel bit exposed on lee shore after the wind changed to a southerly and didn't fancy becoming permanent feature on their beach. When tied to the harbour wall it was easy to get ashore with our bikes and meant having the wind up our stern. It turned out to be good move because the wind really did howl for couple hours during dark without either of us feeling need to make checks.
Todays wind promised steady 20NM sail. We started with reefs in jib & mainsl. In open water we shook the reefs out for a decent enough sail. As the wind lightened we stowed the jib and set our vastly bigger genoa. 5NM short we ran out of wind completely, stowed sails and proceeded in on donk. 3 hours not bad.
Vathi is a delightful bay. It's only open SW to SE and that's where we presently have light winds and bit of swell from, so we're moving little more than we like. Be completely settled in couple of days, settled enough for spot of rain maybe?
Eating on board tonight. Greek sausage - one of Sue's speciality of the yacht with freshly baked Serifos dark bread....... hummie!