Into the last of 'em 16:01 N 47:09 W
Sue & Alan
Wed 15 Jan 2014 19:27
This page is a few hours late. This is because there were important jobs to be done and I forgot! AS soon as I awoke from my sun-embracing slumber on the foredeck my immediate thoughts were "Oh dear, I must go do the daily log!" Either that or "Oh shit! I've fallen asleep in the sun again!" Then, like a monster rising from the deep further obliterating my short-term memory loss, as I enter the cockpit Ray says "I've just made a pot of tea, would you like a cuppa and the last piece of Jackie's Christmas Cake?" Am I expected to say "No thanks" because I now know this is the last piece of Ray's favorite cake? Fortunately I am only a man and can only think/do one thing at a time so I'm in overload and it's easier to say "Yes please Ray". As I am presented with the treat Ray says "That'e the last of 'em!" and I'm indulging. As my mind clears again me thinks "Better go put some after-sun on me back before I feel anything" then "Do the 1200 daily blog before I forgets (or get distracted aga
A little earlier the fishing rod nearly took-off. It wizzed & wizzed. As I got to it & took firm stance ready to take the strain it went limp! (So did the rod). Clost inspection of squiddy's undercarriage reveals hook intact, 70% of undercarriage gobbled-up! Squiddy's back out for retribution!
Couple of emails gone back & fro' with My Lover this morning. Seems my ears should be burning a little for leaving leaf-sweeper chocablock with leaves? Guilty your worshipfulness. I'll be making up for everything when we next meet though!
In last 24 hours we have closed our distance towards Barbados by 141 NM and now have 747 NM to go (as a crow might fly) and run 146 NM through the water (on our log). Phew! Time awaits on nobody - not even us!
Ticketeeboo MMSI 235071989 Callsign 2CED3, Ham = m0hng
At 15/01/2014 18:54 (utc) our position was 15°53.84'N 047°40.43'W