Gorda Sound, Virgin Gorda 18:30.36N 064:22.31W

Sue & Alan
Wed 7 May 2014 10:43
Annie's made some oat biscuits this morning and having downloaded latest weather grib files we have decided to depart here tomorrow morning, one day earlier than recently intended because the short-term winds are good enough to consider this move. We also tink it will help us keep mostly E'ly winds for longer as we approach Bermuda. Might get little more energetic/exciting day 3/4 when F5/F6 are forecast, as well plenty overcast so inevitably some rain too! We're thinking our 850'ish NM passage towards Bermuda will be between say 6 or 7 days, give or take. Annie & Mike have now gone ashore for internet and to update their FB pages. Later this afternoon, we'll top-up fuel tanks re-anchor on S side Gorda Sound at the fuel station in Leverick Bay and maybe do top-up shop at mini-market at village by Gun Creek? Intending to start N say 0800'ish tomorrow.
Looks like we might have a little problem again with our fridge, along lines we experienced last October when we needed refrigerant top-up R134A. Just in case, we're going to freeze some water to keep a supply in the fridge to keep it cool. Unfortunately, I have been unable to bring refrigerant out with me so will need to find a fridge-guy at first opportunity. In meantime we can make-do and it looks like we have a tiny refrigerant leek, which takes about 6-8 months to show itself. Bit of a PITA I me thinks?
Love to Sue, Grandkiddies and their PU's xxxx
Ticketeeboo MMSI 235071989 Callsign 2CED3, Ham callsign = m0hng
At 06/05/2014 14:19 UT our position was 18°30.36'N 064°22.33'W