Ihlas Selagens untenablen so now heading towards Lanzorote

Sue & Alan
Fri 18 Oct 2013 15:11
Squiddy made-up for being almost useless when another juvenile tuna became fatally attracted, towards end of daytime yesterday. We had it gutted, de-scaled and beheaded, bagged and in freezer within 10 minutes of landing on deck. No further bites since. Now we are hoping for another beautiful moon-lit night for tonight, as good as last night. Unfortunately it could rain and that means clouds, of course.
BFN xxx
Ticketeeboo MMSI 235071989 Callsign 2CED3
At 18/10/2013 14:34 (utc) our position was 30°05.65'N 015°47.06'W
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