Ihlas Selagens untenablen so now heading towards Lanzorote

Sue & Alan
Fri 18 Oct 2013 15:11
As we closed on Salvagen Grande we were greeted by fairly strong SSW'lies. This put the wind on our nose so we tacked best part of an extra 3 hours. We did everything but drop our hook in Enseada Das Pedreiras (east side) and found swell and wind coming S, which could have made like uncomfortable on the hook. For sheer hell of it we took a look at Enseada Das Garras (the recommended anchorage on the S side) which was completely untenable, there being heavy swell and lee-shore wind. Plan 'B' means we are now heading ESE towards Lanzarote. This means we're gonna remain underway for at least one more night, possibly two if we can only sail slowly. We'll need to check the weather forecasts for Lanzarote to see if we can go on hook for a night or two? If not it's straight into another marina.
Squiddy made-up for being almost useless when another juvenile tuna became fatally attracted, towards end of daytime yesterday. We had it gutted, de-scaled and beheaded, bagged and in freezer within 10 minutes of landing on deck. No further bites since. Now we are hoping for another beautiful moon-lit night for tonight, as good as last night. Unfortunately it could rain and that means clouds, of course.
BFN xxx
Ticketeeboo MMSI 235071989 Callsign 2CED3
At 18/10/2013 14:34 (utc) our position was 30°05.65'N 015°47.06'W

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