Marina di Ragusa in January (VERY WINDY

Sue & Alan
Fri 18 Jan 2013 16:48
Great ride out couple days ago, taking into account 0400 get-away and 5½ hour drive to Gatwick with mostly -5ºC road temps. Squeezyjet flight 1½ hours late (without any notice or alerts, forcing all us tired travellers to keep beady eyes on TV screens when we all could have settled down for the wait) plus rejected by security check-in because I was carrying a miniature tool kit, which they classed as "highly dangerous tradesman tools" and finally.............. wonderful 125km drive in unfamiliar Panda hire-car in gales and squalls on fearsomely dark dangerous roads,  arriving onto a wonderful cool yacht just before 10 p.m. I know how to treat a good woman!
Since then, yesterday dedicated to provisioning and this morning dedicated to getting in-line with pc, involving ride to Santa Croce to see non-English speaking shop owner again, with success.
First couple of days and nights been very windy and plenty accompanying rain. Windy = more than 60 kn wind from NW last night and early hours this morning. Indeed, relentless most of the night. Much calmer this evening at just 25/30 kn from NW. expecting reduced winds soon although no signs of warmer temperatures for several days. Might get a little sun though.
Happy hour (Friday special this evening) giving Sue opportunity to meet some of the friendly Marina di Ragusa live-a-boards for the first time, as well others we already know, mostly from Kemer.