Marina di Ragusa in January (VERY WINDY
Sue & Alan
Fri 18 Jan 2013 16:48
Since then, yesterday dedicated to provisioning and this morning dedicated to getting in-line with pc, involving ride to Santa Croce to see non-English speaking shop owner again, with success.
First couple of days and nights been very windy and plenty accompanying rain. Windy = more than 60 kn wind from NW last night and early hours this morning. Indeed, relentless most of the night. Much calmer this evening at just 25/30 kn from NW. expecting reduced winds soon although no signs of warmer temperatures for several days. Might get a little sun though.
Happy hour (Friday special this evening) giving Sue opportunity to meet some of the friendly Marina di Ragusa live-a-boards for the first time, as well others we already know, mostly from Kemer.