
Sue & Alan
Tue 7 May 2013 18:22
Made our way here after departing Marina di Ragusa early yesterday
morning, after waiting for a relentless E'ly wind to change. T'was
good thinking because we enjoyed a wonderful downwind sail on jib and
genoa for first 6 hours until b0earing northwards towards Siracusa.
12NM short producing a wind change making us close-hauled and whilst
extending our passage it was fun too. Mid afternoon broughtsome
unexpected excitement when we heard a British Yacht 's/y Corsair'
allling a PanPan n behalf of 2 survivos (in a liferaft, having
abandoned their burning vessel). It all happened just a mile to our
south, very close to where we had justt passed. We offered to turn
back and assist but the local Siracusa CG passed us at high speed so
our offer to assist was declined. This just left s/y Corsair to sort
out a little mess with the CG, who were trying to sort out the
whereabouts of the PanPan (because a PanPan Relay would have been more
appropriate - then again, I tend to think a MayDay Relay is more
appropriate for such an event?). We think the vessel sank!
Ashore today to buy superb foods from Siracusa market, visiting Temple
Apolo and the Cathedr,before settling into a local bar fr lunch-time
icecream and capuchini.
Our afternoon not quite so successful. Three times I had out RIB
carburettor in bits for cleaning and stil runs like a threee-egged
hippo! Job in progress for another day. On a good note,after many
attempts at finding our SSB fault I now know we have a faulty (burnt
circuitboard) AT-141 auto-tuner, which will have to accompny us home
to get sorted. Another job in progress !!!!!
Hoping to be eading N towards Taormina tomorrow, as always - weather
permitting.Tonight is Siracusa moules a la Sue and chips.
Night night Sophie, Freya. Seth and Thomas xxx.
(produced on Kindle so plenty typo an bad spelin)