8th May - towards Bermuda 20:19N 064:20W

Sue & Alan
Thu 8 May 2014 14:17
ot to do a watch and try and sleep it off. Nevertheless Annie still wanted to come on watch at different times during the night but just not sensible in these conditions when so ill. Mike was suffering too and retired to lay down before Annie. He then came to join me around midnight and I was grateful for his company. I had already enjoyed a good portion of Annie's chicken curry & rice (eating alone last night) when Mike came on watch. An hour or so later our brand-spanking-new Lewmar Mamba-drive autopilot motor failed. I had fitted it just 6 days before during which time we had run just 240NM. I asked Mike to take the wheel whilst I investigated what could be done. After I sent him to go get his glasses on he was much better at steering using compass & wind instruments in pitch black surroundings. Once I was certain the new autopilot motor was causing the problem we hove-to whilst I refitted our original unit. It only took an hour or so to do the job before we could get underway an
d resume this ocean passage towards Bermuda. I made us a cuppa tea (as you do on occasions like this). I then asked Mike if he wanted to get some shut-eye and he said "Yes please!" He then followed this up with "I think I'm gonna be sick" so I went & collected the clean bin from our aft heads (the one Sue uses to dispose of certain waste materials). It is 'clean' because the unwanted nasties always go in plastic bags (unless Sue misses) and the nice white bin looked freshly cleaned. In any event, Annie already had full title and possession of the washing-up bowl and there's no way I was going on deck to get a bucket in these seas. Mike received the receptacle gratefully then proceeded to MT the contents of his stomach. Such a shame because I thought the spicy pilchards on toast I'd done for lunch was scrummy. Six o'clock now and I trust Annie & Mike might both feel much better as the day goes on? In meantime I'll need to choose what I want for breakfast because I guess I'm eating al
one this morning in this swirling rolly-polly world onboard Ticketeeboo.
It's been raining at home too and Sue is entertaining all 4 GCs again this afternoon, before playing a tennis match too! Have a great day My Lover xxxxxxx
Ticketeeboo MMSI 235071989 Callsign 2CED3, Ham callsign = m0hng
At 08/05/2014 10:05 UT our position was 20°19.71'N 064°20.44'W