Polemos Buku, Kekova 36:09.91N 29:48.26E

Sue & Alan
Sat 17 Oct 2015 15:43
One good thing about dropping hook early afternoon is that it feels more like being here all day! Tomorrow we're heading further E for the next 40'odd NM so that we'll have just 15 or so NM to do towards Kemer on Monday. Most enjoyable!!!
Just as our we were about to finish swimming local fishermen started putting nets in water astern of us. With few markers and no lights on their floating nets we're glad to know where they have put them. Anyone else coming in now would be in for a sort of surprise. We're not planning to move so no problem to us although we'll need to be alert when picking hook up and getting underway in morning.
Love to J,P,F&S & R,M,S&T xxxx
Ticketeeboo MMSI 235071989 Callsign 2CED3, Ham callsign = m0hng
At 16/10/2015 12:15 UT our position was 36°08.95'N 029°35.45'E