38:50.1N 20:42.7E Levkas Town

Sue & Alan
Mon 3 Sep 2012 11:55
Quite a ride from Athens towards Preveza last Friday in our little hire car. Visited Ticketeeboo on way to overnight hotel so were able to drop-off luggage bag & new folding cycle before meeting up with Collette & Robert on s/y Condor, meeting their guests Angie & Dave too and dining with them all at Lighthouse Taverna, which is one of Sue & my favorites.
Up early Saturday morning and on Ticketeeboo by 7. Everything ready for 1 o'clock launch at noon! One hour earlier than planned without any hitches. Taverna Panos (again with Collette, Robert, Angie & Dave) another of our favorites!
Saturday morning delivered Angie & Dave by RIB to Preveza so that they could get bus on their return journey towards Corfu. Then last farewell with Collette & Robert who are now back at their work. (Can't do too much for a good employer!).
It was 1800 when we passed through Lefkas bridge last night so decided to go on hook opposite town quay. At third attempt we finally held well. So much so we were certain to have picked-up another anchor chain. This morning we confirmed our expectations. No owners on their stinkpot so not so easy to remove their chain from our anchor and finally, with a little timely help from a passing guy in RIB we were free again. Now sterns-to the town quay on same spot where I berthed last May ready for Sue's arrival. Our new folding bikes are 'ticketeeboo' although now we have better qualiry bikes than our 79 YTL (£30)  'Cheapo cycles' in Turkey, we are conscious on needing to lock them up when visiting shops.
Expecting to meet up with Sandra & Ray (s/y Stratagem, which spells megatarts in reverse) tomorrow at Sivota. That'll be wonderful.
Happy Birthday to Grandson Seth, who reached 2 YOA last Saturday.
My Lover is on board so no chance of me talking to myself for a while!
New Cosmote internat dongle. Passed the PITA barrier getting it set-up!