Day 11 Are we there yet? No but ...................... 19:41N 38:14W

Sue & Alan
Sat 11 Jan 2014 14:57
Yesterdays morning planning meeting resolved we would have a surprise lunch and a Ray 'reheat' chilli evening meal. My surprise lunch was a form of 'hot dogs' using best sausages (local UK butcher) onion & baguettes. Was it good? Wonderful and tasty!
We proceeded to try & sail with jib/genoa both out. Unfortunately the snotty sea-state forced us to abandon this, in favour of a gybe and poled-out genoa, port tack. No big deal. Just means we have to head further south than we really want and make less speed using just one sail in relatively light winds with poohey sea-state. If the sea was calmer we could easily make up to 7kn (jib + genoa). Pity bit there we have it, for now. Despite this, we can look forward to passing our ½-way position, so we remain within our window to be on hook before Sandra & Sue arrive.
0600: Delightful chilli for evening meal. We used a boil-in-bag rice and the tastes complimented each other superbly. One of Ray's Santa Cruz prepared meals + only tin of kidney beans left on boat. Early this morning we lost the wind completely needing Ray to putonathedonk again. Pity but there we are. We now have only light breeze, calmer seas and donk noise. Bit of a change for us? Having just looked at gribs we could be mostly on donk for next 3 or more days! We'll see? For second time, Ray has let his 12 - 4 night watch run-over, giving me 5 hours in the sack and slept well too. Very kind, most appreciated, thank you Ray.
1200: Having received additional meteorological info form Paul (our Son-in-law, who is keeping good eye on our progress and watching weather trends) we think it's best to head directly towards Barbados, rather than divert to pick up more useful winds (which don't exist presently!!!). So its donkus we shall go for now!
Few little jobs done this morning (not a lot) and enjoying not getting bashed-about for a change. Ray sat reading on port-quarter seat but decided better move or be asphyxiated by diesel fumes after I warned him about 'on-board kiss of life' options. For afternoon meal (dinner or lunch depending on degree of poshness) we're gonna cook scrambled egg on toast + Yorkshire ham. It started out as scrambled egg + smoked salmon until we realised the smoked salmon isn't! Evening meal's almost in the planning stage.

Shortest distance to Barbados is now just 1,298 NM. In last 24 hours we have shortened this distance by 118 NM and logged 127 NM through the water. Are we there yet? No! Although, delighted to announce we are now more than ½ way there and we'll be celebrating this tonight with a little fizzee drinkies (in between dodging ships!).

Just finished "Hostage" by Rachel & Paul Chandler. Excellent book, which I'm pleased to recommend as a good read. For us yachties the possibility of piracy is always in the background so don't go there! Good to know they are now sailing Llyn Rival in other places and are getting on with their lives having put their Somalia-experience behind them. Ray & I have also done a temporary book-swap. Ray's started on my hard-back copy of 'Black May' (Michael Gannon, describing events when German U-boats were on brink of victory sinking allied merchant ships in May 1943 - as recommended by John on s/y Sapphire) and I'm about to start Ray's 'A Thousand Miles From Anywhere" Sandra Clayton's story crossing the Atlantic in their 40ft sailing catamaran - Voyager). Interestingly, we both agree on one thing.... the print is too sodden small!

Ticketeeboo MMSI 235071989 Callsign 2CED3, Ham = m0hng
At 11/01/2014 14:34 (utc) our position was 19°41.07'N 038°13.86'W