Playa Arena de Adra, Ria de Pontevedra 42:23.5N 008:46.1W

Sue & Alan
Thu 24 Jul 2014 18:42
Up with hook and onwards towards Playa de Silgar, a dozen or so NM southwards into the next Ria. A pleasant little sail for about three hours or so using poled genoa on a run. We quite liked Playa de Silgar until a crappy look-a-like gullet came in and dropped their hook. It was blasting out some terrible sort of 'music', which is highly debatable, also full of tourists. At first we thinks "Maybe this 'orrible' thing will only be here a short while?" After few hours we changed our minds to "Most likely this orrible thing is full of people presently getting tanked-up and is likely to be blaring noise out all night?" Hence, quick ganda at our 10 year old pilot guide book and off we go! When we dropped our hook her there was one other yacht and few smaller stinkpots. By eight o'clock we is 'yacht alone' and very nice too! Could even have a wonderfully quiet overnight and looking forward to it too.