Nearly bye-bye Gib' (for tomorrow)

Sue & Alan
Sat 2 May 2015 20:09
now it's time to move east once again. Completed victualling
necessities this morning so have lots of beer, gin, tonic & wine on
board, also enough nosh of mixed varieties to ensure we're unlikely to
suffer scurvy whilst underway. Initially heading towards Cartagene to
meet up with friends - Dave, Clare & family from Middlewich (via Las
We flew into Gibraltar two weeks ago and were joined by Jessie & David
(of s/y Misty Ewe fame) for three nights of joviality and
liver-testing. A few days later Jennifer, Paul, Freya & Seth joined us
for five days, departing for home yesterday. This was first time Freya
& Seth have visited Ticketeeboo and first time they have ever been on
a beach! They really enjoyed themselves and we think they now believe
sea-shells are a valuable commodity! Such good fun seeing two little
people so excited and enjoying themselves playing excitedly at the
seaside. Lets hope Mummy & Daddy get some good nights sleep as a
result? It's been real pleasure having friends and family share some
time with us whilst here.
Ticketeeboo looks good. February repairs to our rudder bearings and
prop-shaft seal, cutlass bearings and thrust bearings seem fine.
Repairs and refurbishing to our gibsl, genoa and mainsl; as well
sprayhood and bimini also look good. Indeed, The two solar panels I've
added to charge our engine and generator start batteries also
performing well. I'de be tempted to say "Ticketeeboo looks really good
and ready for some sailing" except Sue & I know never to tempt
fate......... because on a sailing yacht there's always something
unexpected lurching to bite-back at any time in the future - that's
sailing! I do know one thing.......... for all the trouble that's
cropt-up in the 6 years since Ticketeeboo was first launched and
handed-over to us, she is now superior, stronger and more reliable in
many ways and we are very fortunate to be able to own and sail such a
lovely yacht. As I sometimes like to remind Sue, "Yeah can't do too
much for a good woman"! xxxxxx
PS Sue & I seem to have somehow acquired Freya's cold!