Towards Roseau Bay, Dominica.

Sue & Alan
Sat 22 Feb 2014 11:57
We were intending to check-out yesterday and move on northwards towards Dominique today. We waited until after the rain looked likely to stop (we were wrong because it came back again, and again) and at what we thought was a good time in the early afternoon we picked the hook up and moved a mile or so closer to the St Pierre jetty. WE settled between couple of Cats, had lunch then went ashore, only to find the Customs was closed and we are informed it opens, at the museum at 0930 this morning. Did a bit of shopping (crate of local beer in cans) plus some milk and some limes (for the G&T's). Hence, we're now reasonably stocked-up again!
An interesting moment evening before last. Sitting there in cockpit having just finished a lovely Bombay potato & fresh tuna when there was a laud 'slap' on deck, just t'other side of the coaming very close to Sue. The 'slap' turned into a 'scuttle' and Sue ways (rather apprehensively) "What was that?" In the dim light I can see something bigger than I wanna fiddle with flapping around on the side-deck so I ask Sue to get the big torch before going too close. It's a rather big flying fish, making itself look all the bigger by having it's two flying fins (wings) wide out. I'm thinking and saying "It's big enough for us to keep and eat" and Sue's saying "Throw it overboard. We have lots of fish already". Overboard it goes, soon as it's calm enough to let me get a hand on it!
All checked-out yesterday, timely enough not to get drenched in any of the downpours. Another calm night and underway towards next island northwards, Dominica this morning.
Happy Birthday Jennifer xxxxxxxx
Ticketeeboo MMSI 235071989 Callsign 2CED3, Ham callsign = m0hng
At 22/02/2014 01:14 UT our position was 14°43.97'N 061°10.84'W