Towards Bermuda at 1200 Thursday 20:51N 064:23W

Sue & Alan
Thu 8 May 2014 16:09
In position 20:51 064:23W COG 003º(T) SOG is varying in these winds.
DTG 690 at 359º(T) Dist Run made good in last 24hrs is 116NM
After another series of squalls for couple of hours this morning, since 10 o clock we've been close-reaching, initially full genoa & mainsl, now full jib & mainsl and it's lovely (again). We've managed to dodge couple of squalls although there's a lorra cloud to the E of us which could produce some nasy squalls at any time. Fortunately visibility is good and we can expect reasonable warning to enable us to reef early in anticipation of 'em. For now it just good sailing with the occasional splash.
Annie & Mike have been up for a while now and although it's been nil by mouth until recent, we've all had one of Annie's freshly baked flap-jacks, which are delicious in these conditions. Made with butter, brown sugar, golden syrup & porridge oats and there's lots left to scoff over next few days between here and Bermuda.
No doubt Sue is having great time entertaining all four GCs today and weather is kind for tennis match.
Ticketeeboo MMSI 235071989 Callsign 2CED3, Ham callsign = m0hng
At 08/05/2014 15:52 UT our position was 20°51'N 064°23.20'W