On passage towards Menorca 39:09.7N 007:25.6E

Sue & Alan
Mon 20 May 2013 20:58
Before leaving Sardinia coastline Sue used-up remaining mobile phone tariff and enjoyed some girlie gossip without seeing any snarls from me!
As forecast, during afternoon winds began to pick-up from the NE allowing us to kill the donk and show some canvas. For the first few hours we were making good speed, close reaching T UP TO 8½kn on F3-4 NE'ly. Shortly before nightfall it seemed prudent to unfurl jib in favour genoa and this duced our speed to a more modest 5½ - 6½kn for the hours of darkness, for reasons of self-preservation! So now we're on full jib & main and sailing along very comfortably. Fearful that we might loose squiddy, it came back on board when we started sailing, fearful that we might otherwise loose it.
Some flashing ahead....... yippee lightening! Lets hope it stays high above in the clouds. Not unusual hereabouts but not nice either. Sue making zzzzzzzzzz and me making text whilst watchkeeping.
Night night everyone xxx

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