Onward and westward (just like Columbus) 18:44N 40:41W

Sue & Alan
Sun 12 Jan 2014 14:21
On my 8 - 12 night-watch I had a senior moment when I thought it was 0020 and it was actually 2220. No excuse. JUst had a little 'controlled doze' and when awoken by cooking timer and after checking round and settling down again I mistook UT for boat time. Thinking it was 0020 I gave Ray a casual wake-up knock. AS I opened the door something twigged (penny drops!) I looked at UT (dope) and its not Rays time to come on watch yet. I check the time more carefully and I'm right (I was wrong) so goes straight back and tells Ray "Stay in bed I've got the wrong time, sorry!" When I put Ray on the shake for the second time, two hours later, he was in good humour saying "Have you got the right time this time?" On the plus-side Ray did say he felt terrible when he got first wake-up call and was so pleased to be able to get his head back doen & straight back asleep. So I did him a favour really?
0500: Just downloaded latest grib and looks like we will be on donk for even longer as we go through this Low patch with variable very light winds. Where's the trade-winds gone for now? Donkususlottus for now!
After daybreak time to put squiddy2 out again (what's left of it) because half it's skirt has been gobbled-up by local predators! Then breakfast. For a special treat I dicected & de-pipped some of our grapes and we had them with cereal - and mighty good too! Then it's time for our morning planning meeting (which we don't bother to minute) and agreed what we will do with our fresh headless, guttless and tailless mahi-mahi. So I proceeded to de-scale & seawater flush (on bathing step hanging on for grim death), then fillet (just like the geezers do on TV Masterchef). I invited Ray to give his opinion on the quantity of mahi-mahi we can eat between us in one serving and we both agreed - half today and half in the freezer! Can't find our luggage scales for can't weigh the bounty whole. We are, however, able to weigh the tender edible bits using Sue's non-fishy baking scales and now know we have 1 kg of white fish fillets to eat = two meals for two! An excellent size for us, not too diffi
cult to land in the dark either. So 4 x fillets are presently marinading in a mixture of garlic, seasalt & olive oil awaiting fate of the frying pay. Some spuds, with legs & skin cut-off are going to be micro-boiled & buttered. That's gonna be our main course today. Also, rather than having mixed veg' on same plate, Ray has agreed to an Alan surprise (surprise, surprise) for starters. Ray won't see this before I send so I can let yeahs into my secret. We're starting with aubergine slices, fried in olive oil, drizzled with honey. Good eh?
At our midday Barbados is now just 1148 Nm away and during last 24 hours we have moved 150 Nm closer and passed 151 NM through the water. All good stuff. Just a pity we're having to burn fuel running donk, with no immediate prospect of change. We stopped earlier for a few minutes to do engine checks and incase Ray wanted a mid-Atlantic swim, which he declined muttering something about shark food!
Ticketeeboo MMSI 235071989 Callsign 2CED3, Ham = m0hng
At 12/01/2014 14:15 (utc) our position was 18°44.48'N 040°41.19'W