Bumpy and energetic passage from Vulcano towards Sardinia

Sue & Alan
Wed 15 May 2013 21:53
So glad you like to see where we are! Also good to know families are well.
We've been sailing since half five this morning and continue to head towards Cala Pira 39º10'.0N 009º34'.3E. You should be able to see on google earth. If not you'll have to wait until we arrive when we will report our position. We're aiming towards this little anchorage on SE end of Sardinia because our arrival could be during tomorrow night and we need protection from forecast W'ly winds. We were at Vulcano several days awaiting E'lys and are taking advantage of a little weather window. Unfortunately it means we have to contend with local gales & thunderstorms on passage, which are mostly running in our favour. Just means the sea is very unsettled and we are screwing around quite extensively. We were making good speed until just after dark, when the wind speed was about to increase significantly so we're well reefed/over-reefed to avoid becoming over-powered during the night. It's pitch black because it's very overcast, as expected with isolated thunderstorms forecast too.
Suppose it could be similar to being in a washing machine, on a wobbly surface, in the dark?
My Lover cooked us a +24h beef curry & potatoes tonight. Much hotter after an extra day maturing.
Hope Seth, Thomas, Freya and Sophie are all sleeping soundly tonight Doo, di-doo, di-doo di-doo di-doo di-doo di-doo xxxx
At 15/05/2013 21:15 (utc) our position was 38°38.05'N 012°50.20'E