Atlantic (weather forecast area Casablanca) 35:24N 008:14W

Sue & Alan
Fri 4 Oct 2013 09:23
First 24 hours underway relatively calm. The usual Atlantic roll and as forecast relatively little wind. We have relatively high pressure 1019mb and rising steadily and about 6kt N'ly wind. Not enough to sail on without Sue making her feelings known - Sue likes more than 6kn boat speed and anything less requires donk on or I'm in the proverbial dog-house! Just before sunrise and for almost an hour we did manage sailing when the wind was 7-8kn and close reaching we were bobbling along at the required speed. Unfortunately it was a false dawn so sails + donk for time being. When the wind increases from F2 to F3 again we can look forward to just sailing again.
A few gremlins to take care of when next convenient. e.g. Couple of our deck lights ain't working - two ggone makes me think it could be another wiring problem? Engine 'surges' when testing at highest rpm (something we noticed when we changed tanks yesterday, have bled thoroughly and suspect this could be the new fuel pre-filter I fitted in Gib? - just another to-do for the list). Before leaving Gibraltar we were surprised when a bottle of milk went 'off' early. Since then Sue has turned-up the fridge setting - unfortunately it isn't getting any colder so probably needs gas topping-up next chance we get. In meantime we are supporting the fridge by making iced water and letting it defrost in the fridge. Strangely the beer remains plenty cool!
The changes I made to our for'd saloon windows are proving a big success. One of the key features is being able to keep watch in open water from inside the saloon. Earlier this year we were unable to do this because the double-glazing had fogged-up. With the inner glass removed, 175 micron security film on (making the glass almost bullet-proof) and quality attractive finish the result is very effective.
New fishing lure aptly called "Tuna Catcher" isn't pulling any yet. Some minor threats and adjustments needed? Alas, as the wind has increased (slightly) so we're now sailing again - yippee! (See how long it lasts with a little tweeping?) So pleasantly peaceful. Might get away with >5kn SOG for a while. We'll see?
Spoke to Robert - s/y Quest (1700NM), Doug - s/y Hobnob (900NM)and Bob - s/y Godspeed (100NM) this morning. Quest are keeping heads down Nisos Astipalaia awaiting favorable winds heading towards Finike for winter & SKI (new decks), Hobnob will be wintering Rome (and I've promised not to mention anything about where there heads are up to) and Godspeed say they've had an unbelievable wonderful time in Portimao spending lots of dosh (on hard and especially marina) and expect to be sailing towards Rabat tomorrow & next day. We also heard from Sandra & Ray - s/y Stratagem, who are having a great time sailing a northerly route (contrary to the usual winds, which might be on their nose) towards Lakka (Paxos, where there is a lovely anchorage with beautiful sandy bottom - all to themselves) and on towards Corfu (where they are wintering Stratagem in readiness for another next-wonderful season on board).
Here's to another good day in the office (and good winds!).
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx S, F, T & S, as well J, P, R & M

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