Cul-De-Sac Du Marin, Martinique 14:27.64N 060:52.33W

Sue & Alan
Sat 15 Feb 2014 22:46
tinique and can tramp along the coast and anchor/visit ashore as we wish whilst we're here. Good eh? Tomorrow's another day and we'll be choosing what we want to do then. Tonight we're gonna enjoy a very good lookin' sirloin steak 'afoating'.
Must say, neither of us can recall seeing so many yachts at anchor and on mooring buoys as there are here. The anchorage is certainly extensive, as is the marina itself. At a guess there must be well over 2,000 yachts, catamarans & comparatively few stinkpots in this bay. Fortunately it does not appear or feel overcrowded because there's plenty of space offering oodles of protection. We have, as is our preference, dropped our hook on the fringes where it's nice & quiet so that we're not hemmed-in by others and we've lots of swinging room.
It's dark now (gets dark shortly after six) so night night all. xxx
Ticketeeboo MMSI 235071989 Callsign 2CED3, Ham callsign = m0hng
At 15/02/2014 13:24 UT our position was 14°13.24'N 060°57.52'W