Approaching (and passing) Ilheus das Formigas 37:16N 24:46W
Sue & Alan
Sat 5 Jul 2014 16:19
We've decided on our overnight watches. Gets dark around half nine so I'm gonna kick-off with the dark to midnight, Sue can do the midnight till three then I'll take-over again for the three till Sue gets up again.
Our immediate aim is to steer clear and stay S of a little outcrop of islands, really rocks, called Ilheus das Formigas, which would make a bit of a mess of us if we hit 'em unexpectedly! Its a nature reserve/bird sanctuary so our presence would not be appreciated, other than passing by.
We presently have a pretty pleasant W'ly F4, which is due to veer to NW'ly towards end of the day. We also have relatively calm seas so yet again, sailing isn't always much better than this. Squiddy's been out most of the time so far although nothing's taken a fancy to squiddy yet. When squiddy went out Sue agreed saying "If we get another fish it has to be the last one until we've eaten some.". Of course, I always do as told so we'll see if we manage to catch anything before it goes dark.
Love to Freya, Sophie, Thomas & Seth and to their parental units too xxxxx
Ticketeeboo MMSI 235071989 Callsign 2CED3, Ham callsign = m0hng
At 05/07/2014 15:24 UT our position was 37°08.89'N 024°50.14'W