Underway with Isla de Fuerteventura to our stb'd.

Sue & Alan
Sat 26 Oct 2013 12:43
I was going to say "Passing Puerto del Castillo to stb'd" but that was before Sue presented lunch, so now were past there!
On hook last night was bit roly to say the least. We were underway just before 0800 so were able to speak to our friends using SSB whilst underway. First couple of hours needed donk, then as the NNE'ly wind strengthened a tadge we were able to set genoa (poled-out to windward) and gib.
Amazingly we were able to get just over 4kn speed in just 8kn wind, which is brill and would not be possible without using our pole. Since then, wind has veered and strengened (just a little) so we're being pulled along happily at 5.5 - 6kn on just poled genoa. Sweet and comfortable.

We're approx 3-4 hours from our intended destination, Gran Tarajal, Fuerteventura (maybe I will gget to be able to spell this island if I write it often enough?). If the anchorage is calm we will prefer to go on hook for first night, if not we'll try our luck at going into the harbour on a marina berth. We'll see. For now we're happy to be just riding along on the crest of some waves watching Fuerteventura pass by!