Start of day 6 - towards St George, Bermuda 30:31N 065:00W

Sue & Alan
Mon 12 May 2014 18:33
In position 30:31N 065:00W COG 005(T) SOG varying 4.5km to 6.0kn close-hauled Wind E F2-3
Bermuda is 010º(T) 115NM Dist Run by log in last 24 hours 114NM ## Dist made good towards Bermuda 131NM
## = log appears it might have collected bit of seaweed over night or we have ½nk favourable current perhaps?
Very settled wind and sea. Donk on between 0530 and 0815 when it was easier to take sails in and donk whilst catching-up on making ZZZs. A little compromise at the time, rather than sail further to west than needed. ETA St Georges Bermuda now tomorrow morning. Anything averaging over 6kn will be avoided because we prefer to arrive in hours of daylight. 5kn get us there mid-morning & 4kn mid-afternoon. What good planning! Looks like Annie or Mike will take the reward for nearest ETA time.
Spoke to Tom s/y Half Moon this morning, after Coconut Net. First met them some 12 months ago and talked on SSB during January W-bound ocean crossing. They send best rgds to Sue.
Not worth trying to put squiddy to work 'cause there's a lorra surface weed about, which squiddy is ace at attracting. Might have to wait until next leg after Bermuda before squiddy swims us a tuna (hopefully). Must admit, close hauling in calm seas and F3 is quite wonderful. No nasty rolling or banging about. Gently sailing along, seemingly effortlessly knob-on towards destination. Rather good and quite restful. Time to read and time to sleep and time to just look-out and wonder. Every now and then VHF C16 kicks-off as Bermuda Radio want info from passing of visiting traffic. Pilot book says we have to check-in on C16 when nearer than 60NM. I'll probably do this on my 1200-0300 watch in morning.
Priorities when we visit St Georges will be to complete check-in, find supplier for some R134A or get 'fridge man on board, top-up provisions for next leg Bermuda towards Flores (Azores) - approx 1670NM DOG/maybe 14 - 16 days or thereabouts.
Being N of 30ºN means were seeing lower temperatures than of recent. e.g. Ambient 28ºC & seawater 23ºC. This is quite pleasant. Nevertheless our humidity doesn't seem to have changed and it's still just 20%!(Sue, Sandra & Ray will appreciate this joke!).
Michael finally sent me football score this morning. Good job I wasn't doen to my knuckles desperate to hear where LFC finished-up? Having listened to BBC World Service 'live sport' and having then endured them interviewing a load of exstatic Man City supporters being interviewed, whilst listening for an illusive F1 report. Fortunately Sue emailed all the info we wanted very promptly yesterday/ Ta Sue, ever reliable & attentive to my wants & needs xxx . Michael say's that Sophie likes riding horses. That's gonna cost yeah, Son!!!
Looking forward to receiving next emails from Sue, Michael, Rachel, Jennifer and Paul, as well all friends on my Winlink whitelist and hope you are enjoying this blog often enough to give me your news soon PLEASE!!!
Love to Sue, J,P,F & S and R,M,S & T xxxxxx
Ticketeeboo MMSI 235071989 Callsign 2CED3, Ham callsign = m0hng
At 12/05/2014 15:57 UT our position was 30°31.68'N 064°59.92'W