Puerto Calero, Lanzarote (as well some navigational info Estrecho del Rio- Isla Graciosa/Tenerife)

Sue & Alan
Wed 23 Oct 2013 08:42
After 3 lovely nights on the hook at Playa Francesa pulled the hook up first light yesterday morning to head up Estrecho del Rio, and clockwise round Lanzarote towards our destination. Virtually no wind we had no alternative to donking the 35NM passage. Worth noting, we had up to 2kn Tidal Stream against us (TS flowing S on Eb-tide) when passing through the straight. We had about 1m Tidal Height and dis not see less then 6m depths at any time., mostly well into double figures. Hence, well worth considering strength and direction of wind & TS because Estrecho del Rio could be a nasty place to be in unfavourable conditions, although a lovely few miles - like we experienced.
Eagle-eyes Sue saw another whale, quite close to Lanzarote shore. Wonderfully graceful animals to see. However, having just read an article in yesterdays Dailm Mail (Sue's choice!) about what happened to the whaling ship Essex in 1820............ we never want to get too close a whale and Moby Dick is not my favourite name!
On entering Porto Calero we were asked to go on the reception pontoon. No problems there, although in future Sue & I agree never to let anyone else take control of our bow line because on this occasion the marina attendant pulled our bow line so tight it prevented me from being able to bring the stern in close and whilst the marina attendant was busying himself at our bow there was no-one to take our stern line! This won't happen again though because we will insist in using a slip line on the bow or alternatively a mid-ships line. Ironically, no sooner did we have bow & stern lines attached we were given Custome & Marina forms to complete and to proceed to our berth on the most N'ly pontoon (furthest away) where we are now, delightfully peaceful. 2 x forms fully completed we reported to the marina office, where every question was duplicated and put on computer. Car-hire shop closed until 4:15 we decided to order 1 x iced coffee (at €1.50) and 1 x large beer (at €3.50). After supping-up we were given a bill for Iced coffee at €3.50  0.4L beer at €3.50 + IVA, totalling €7.49. We really did like our iced coffee and 'nearly large' beer but we did not leave a tip!
Hire-car organised for this morning. We're off to see the wizards, the wonderful wizards of Lanzarote - bu-bum xxx
Love to our Grand-kiddies xxxxxxxxx

PS: Weather update: clear skies so wall-to-wall sunshine, almost no windies and 24 C at 0930 and not a bit like home at this time of the year.

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