On hook Porto Kayio - middle finger S end Peloponnisos 36:25.8N 22:29.1E

Sue & Alan
Sun 20 May 2012 14:18
wind and on hook here for four. No breakages and no more fish! Very
pleasant sail, just a little cool when the wind gets up at this time
of the season.
The really good news (for me and Sue) today, is that we will be having
another months honeymooning when Sue flies out 3rd June. Yippee! Must
work-out over the next two weeks. Won't be much swimming, having
noticed water in these parts is only 17 C today. It's Happy Hour on a
dry boat and the beer is good too. Next finger northwards tomorrow.
Footnote: Finished 'Long Walk to Freedom'. Total admiration for Nelson
Mandella - man of our time.
Enjou your tennis match My Lover xxxxx