Mar Menor on a windy day!

Sue & Alan
Tue 18 Jun 2013 16:00
Sue appears to have enjoyed her special day, although there was mention of her always being away from home same time every year of late.
Our weather gribs have been brewing a mischievous assortment of winds to test our resolve. Fortunately we have plenty of time to sit-out these adverse winds without needing to head into them. e.g. One forecast shows W/SW winds up to 20kn and the other shows W/SW winds of +30kn. Naturally we go by the worst looking. Since yesterday, the Spanish CG have been putting out weather warnings on VHF & Navtex indicating W/SW gales in sea area Aboran & Palos. Naturally, both these sea areas are directly between us and Gibraltar. For now we stay put!!! We had local thunderstorms and rain from time to time overnight and Ticketeeboo was filthy dirty having been well coated with Saraha-dust (again). This afternoon we decided to give the decks a sea-wash and a fresh-water sponge rinse. When we started the wind was SW10-12kn. Since then it's been howling up to 38kn so we're keeping a watchful eye on for now. We are hoping the wind will reduce come nightfall, if not the early hours tomorrow. Weather reports indicate winds will abate during tomorrow and become light/favourable Thursday. If so then we resume our passage towards Gibraltar maybe Thursday, provided we can be reasonably confident the seas will not be 'orribly big by then.
For now we is sitting tight and our hook ain't moving. Lamb chops tonight a la Sue.
Love to JPFS & RMST xxxxxxxxxl