Grande Anse D'Arlet, W coast Martinique. 14:30.17N 061:05.32W

Sue & Alan
Mon 17 Feb 2014 18:48
This is quite a large bay with maybe 200 yachts on moorings or on hook. Like Le Marin, seems there are lots and lots of mooring buoys in the anchorages nowadays. The thing we don't know is, what's the mooring buoy capacity, how much they cost to use and who/when do yeah pay anyone? Until we find out we'll continue using our own tackle!!!
The water here looks very clean so we is gonna have a skinny dip this afternoon............ after our bacon & egg lunch-time butty! Yum, yum, yum!
Listened to BBC World Service football commentary yesterday and read the reports this morning. Seems we was robbed at Arsenal?
Planning to be here for say couple of days, then moving up the coast towards St Pierre to check out before moving on towards Dominica.
Pilot book says that in 1902, nearly all the population of 6,000 at St Pierre were killed when the nearby Monte Pelee erupted. Nothing since so we should be OK for our visitation!!!!
Ticketeeboo MMSI 235071989 Callsign 2CED3, Ham callsign = m0hng
At 15/02/2014 22:51 UT our position was 14°27.64'N 060°52.33'W