Port Leone, Nisos Kalamos. 38:36.0N 20:53.1E

Sue & Alan
Sat 8 Sep 2012 11:36
In all we were four nights on the hook at Sivota. Very pleasant for most of the time, save for some incompetents, one a dumb skipper on Sailing Holidays flotilla yacht who allowed his yacht to drift into our bow (I say dumb because immediately after the incident I scooted over to them in the RIB and they totally stone-walled me! Fortunately no damage visible to Ticketeeboo. If that wasn't enough whilst I was checking our bow another charter yacht was drifting back on us whilst trying to anchor. This needed me to put our RIB between them and Tickketeeboo and I told them to "GO" pointing directly to wind to get rid of them and the risk of damage. After three or four repeats of the word they finally got the hint and moved to safety. Phew! Two incidents in less than a few minutes. A little later, having resumed our quenching activities on Stratagem, a Sunsail charter yacht, one of several, dropped their hook directly upwind of Stratagem allowing them to drift too close to her. When Ray indicated his opinion saying "You are too close" the offending Skipper replied by questioning why live-a-boards always think charter boats are a problem! Sadly that guy will probably never experience finding his own answer. Thankfully all the hassle only occurred that evening.
More friends, who we know from Kemer, were also in Sivote. Joe & Mike on s/y Harriette and Pete on s/y Conquest (with Dawn as well) invited us to join them for drinks one night and we helped celebrate Mike's 66th Birthday yesterday evening too!
Now we're on the hook in Port Leone, which is a bay nearest towards the southern end of Nisos Kalamos. Port Leone used to be populated and was abandoned after earthquake damage, which killed-off the water supply. Nowadays it's a yachties delight. The church is well kept and there's a seasonal taverna (when someone's there to open it). Jennifer & Paul will remember when they rung this church bell six years ago!