Admiralty Bay, Port Elizabeth, Bequia 13:00.567N 061:14.746W

Sue & Alan
Thu 6 Feb 2014 11:40
On hook after another lovely 4½ hour/31NM close hauled (again). Fortunately we were able to make good headway towards N on stbd tack, dipping onto port tack to make up for leeway! This looks like a delightful place too! One or two moans this morning because South Clossy Bay, Canouan, proved a little more rolly than expected, overnight.
Once we were on the hook the butties came out. Corned beef & Branston pickle. Very tasty too! There's always a story though? In this case earlier this morning Sue called me because the corned beef tin failed to open properly and the tin suddenly became a safety hazzard. When asked "Alan, can you get this can open please?" I responded by extracting a pair of leather gloves and a pair of mole grips from my tool box. I could only partly-open the ill-fated can. I asked "How are you intending to serve this corned beef?" to which Sandra replied "Sliced!". "Think again because the only way it's gonna come out of this tin is with a teaspoon" I said, and it was! Can't have too much of a good thing so we're gonna eat ashore tonight!
Before we departed we listened to the local cruisers net. Not heard anyone coming-up with this one before under the section 'Treasures of the bilge' - someone offering other cruisers out-of-date condoms! Not that out-of-date condoms are gonna be needed by the average cruiser round here is same as elsewhere we've been sailing? THere were no funny 'follow-up' comments either so perhaps these sort of things come-up often on the East Caribbean Cruisers Net?

Happy Birthday Michael. Hope you're having a good day?
Ticketeeboo MMSI 235071989 Callsign 2CED3, Ham callsign = m0hng
At 05/02/2014 18:51 UT our position was 13°00.56'N 061°14.74'W