Ormos Sarakiniko, Nisos Elafonisos, near Cape Maleas on E Peleponese 36:27.9N 22:58.8E
Sue & Alan
Sat 19 Sep 2015 17:48
LIft up thy hook this morning after 2 nights Porto Kayio. For most of second day we were only visiting yacht so we went ashore, as planned. Lovely lunch in local Taverna. Yet again octopus (unable to resist) Calamari & chips! This makes 2 x starters + 1 x chips between us. A real feast leaving us wanting nothing else to eat rest of the day!
Late afternoon other yachts started to arrive. The first dropped their hook a respectable distance away, no bother to us. The second, with 5 elderly Germans on-board dropped their hook a little close so on way back to Ticketeeboo from filling our boots at taverna, we had little chat with them and fair enough, they picked-up their hook and re-dropped it a respectable distance away. One of the gents actually swam over and thanked us for our advice - very pleasant too. Another yacht arrived and dropped their hook well away then night was getting close and guess what? Firstly a 50ft yacht (flying a Kangeroo flag - literally!) came in and dropped their hook fairly close. We watched (between vino's) and when it appeared to be gettin' bit close I turned and knelt to watch and heard a crack (sh1t!) that's my Kindle done for - no more reading books on my faithful Kindle now I've damaged it! Feeling quite pissed-off with myself Sue pointedly said. firstly "You're always tellin' me not to leave my Kindle on the seat" then secondly "Look out, another yacht approaching!" This one was full of Germans, younger Germans who proceeded to drop hook astonishingly close to the Kangeroo yacht. We watched. Very amusing whilst persisted in attempting to avoid yacht-to-yacht contact continuously using their bow-thruster. Eventually they re-anchored - no better or further away than their original attempt. It's now plenty dark and the Germans decided they needed to move (again). They proceeded to a jive round the bay then finally (oh sh1t!) lined up to drop their hook between us and our friendly-well placed German friends). No chance! Needing me to bit vocal they soon understood the error of their ways. And moved-off to where I suggested would be more safe (for us) and for them! They tried 3 or 4 times to get their hook into dirt and failed miserably each time. Maybe because using full astern and too-little chain-out makes a difference? Sod it, back they come again and try dropping their hook too close and on our other side. First time, we warned them off (again). Second and third time we kept quiet because it was plainly obvious they find learning too difficult. To little chain and too much engine! After more than 1½ hours after dark and their first ill-fated attempt they went to explore elsewhere then finally left completely. Phew! Then we could relax and drink some more vino.
Love to our Grandkiddies and their M&D's