Patitiri, Nisos Alonnisos 39:08.66N 23:51.95E

We are quite pleased to move-on from Skopolos town to here, Patitira -SE Alonnisos. Last night the predicted 10-15kn windies from NW turned out to be a gusty 25-35kn NW from 2 a.m. till almost 9 o'clock. The lines squeaked relentlessly and the wind howled like a cat might if caught in a meat grinder. Sue, first time ever, spent most of the night in the saloon, then hit the sack at 7 and slept like a kitten 'till 10. We were thinking about staying put another day yet opted to move towards Alonnisos, where we thought we'd drop hook in a nearby attractive anchorage. Nope! Our destination was found to be partitioned-off with buoys. A hotel swimming area and yachtie isolation zone. Hence the reason we're tied to concrete here tonight. Bit short of space and loads of ferries coming and going. Been here 6 years ago and the place ain't changed any. Typically Greece. Few locals and tourists watching us as we watch them too. We had to squeaze in between another yacht and a local small fishing boat. There's lots of local fishing boats on moorings and we didn't fancy dropping our hook into one of them so opted to put our anchor chain over our neighbours. They can find out in the morning (if thay wanna leave before us?). I know, "It's tough" when someone drops their hook and runs their chain over yours. It's the penalty, which has to be sorted, when failing to put their hook down in right place when aligning and preparing to moor sterns-to. In meantime, no point in anticipating their surprise in the morning?