Big Vathi - Nisos Ithaca - Day 4

Sue & Alan
Sat 15 Sep 2012 15:49
In the last 3 days we (i.e. me) have been able do tick-off some outstanding 'down-below' jobs. The most important of which was getting our Icom M801E long-range radio working properly. I originally installed it nearly 2 years ago, save for fitting the ground-plates, which I was able to do whilst recently lifted and on the hard in Preveza. After re-launch couple of weeks ago I did not see any improvement in reception or transmission so I have been saving this job until now. I made contact with Bob Smith, who together his wife, Claire, run two business specialising in marine long distance communications. Training = and Equipment Supply = I first met Bob when I attended one of his Long Range Certificate Training Courses, which I strongly recommend for anyone wanting to use long distance communications at sea and qualify for the required operators licence. I emailed Bob and described the problem. He promptly replied and suggested where to look and what to look for. More importantly, Bob asked me to perform a number of tasks and report my findings, after which he was able to pinpoint exactly where to check and what to look for. With Bob's kind help the jobs now ticked-off and I am very grateful for his succinct expert help.
Job today: complete installation of new shelf in our galley cabinet. I first fitted the new shelf last time out. Now it has an aluminium fiddle along the front edge for additional support and additional shelf pins to prevent bending under the weight of Sue's cooking gizmo's.
The Strintzis ferry ship 'MV Eptanisos' came in this afternoon. We realised this when we unexpectedly rolled about a lot (again). The ferry ship seems to arrive alternative days 16:30 / midnight. Anyone berthing wanting to step off their yacht beware because the swell it causes can cause damage and injury risk .
MV Eptanisos is 116 m long x 20 m beam and has a draught of 5 m. The 5 m draught means it requires more than 5 m depth of water otherwise it will be aground. This does not explain why John, Vathi Coast Guard / Harbour Master insisted on why we had to move when we were only in 3 - 3.5 m water depth? (Just me being pedantic again whilst keeping Sue a happy bunny!)
I don't think I need to be too concerned about running out of 'down-below' jobs. There's always something waiting to be done on every yacht!
The VERY good news is.............. Our favourite Daughter-in-Law 'Rachel' text us last night. Our new Grandchild in the oven is 'engaged' and ready to make his/her very first passage in life in a couple of weeks time, hopefully!
Ray 's/y Stratagen' rang today. Ray is busy keeping Sandra happy and mending his freshwater leak, whilst on hook in Ormos Vlikho. If the weather improves we might join them tomorrow. If not we'll be here another day! Just another day........... de de de de de de.......
Love to our three Grandchildren, Sophi, Seth and Freya and now wondering will the next be a boy or girl? xxxxx