On hook after lovely lively sail with noralorra sleep and little catching-up to do now! DOG = 144NM in 20 hours, hence averaging 7.2kn SOG. Well reefed overnight too! At times seeing >10kn SOG and wanting to be more conservative because gusting 40kn in squalls in complete black night. Terrific!!! Yes, there's a lorra-lorra cats and yachts here - but plenty of room and we've dropped hook where there's plenty of room to swing. There are some nasty breaking rocks & reefs on the way in and the channel markers are different to those shown on our cartography as well in our pilot book. 2 sets of eyes using 2 sets bins helped pick out red cones and green cans (ISLA B in these parts, which is opposite to Europe) Sandra calling out depths as changing and me on wheel with forward-looking sonar - all served to have trouble-free safe entry into this lovely non-rolly-polly bay. This could be as good as it gets?
Ticketeeboo MMSI 235071989 Callsign 2CED3, Ham callsign = m0hng
At 29/01/2014 13:49 UT our position was 12°00.014N 061°44.97'W http://blog.mailasail.com/ticketeeboo