Day 2 on hook opposite Isla del Portichol

Sue & Alan
Sun 9 Jun 2013 16:29
This morning greeted us with clear skies, sunshine and little wind. During the day the wind has gradually increased and during the afternoon the sky has filled with cumulus, even to the point where it could easily have drizzled. By half three it was too cold for bronzying! Latest gribs (just downloaded) says we should be seeing just 10kn/gusting up to 16kn. We are regularly recording higher than 25kn for last couple of hours. Gribs says windies now starts reducing and by 2300 we can expect 'calm' and backed winds. Hope they get this part right then because we wants another peaceful night without needing an anchor watch. I believe in Father Christmas too!
The local beach emptied when the clouds and winds came. Before then there was lots going on. We (mostly Sue) did a big wash this morning (clean sheets tonight) and we were often passed by locals in canoes with fishing rods on the go. Not seen anyone fishing from canoes before and lots doing it here. Also a very active SCUBA club. At one time there must have been more than 20 wet-suits preparing to dive from the shoreline. Then there are the wet-suits with red float attached snorkling. It's an odd sight to see a pair of black fins suddenly break surface as the unseen swimmer dives deep! Its a real surprise first time witnessed because just a black fin or two can look somewhat sinister!
Despite the gusting winds our hook continues to hold us well. I was disparaging of the pebbly/shingle seabed when we dropped yesterday because we both noticed we dragged at first, when digging-in using the donk. Since then we've swung many times, some hearing quite a loud 'clunk' as the snubber bears on different side of the roller as the passing wind howls us in its slippery grip. We're glad we bought this hook, which is a Rocna, when we were in Lefkas last year! It's a big beast that does it's job well for us.
We've discussed immediate plans and since there are no decent places with good protection to drop our hook between here and Mar Menor (where we know our friends Cindy & Bob s/y Godspeed are busy varnishing (and have been for couple of weeks to our knowledge) we've decided to do an +80NM/+16h overnight passage, departing here tomorrow, possibly mid morning. This means we can get a good sleep tonight (we hope) for a single overnight passage. If we make good speed and arrive in the dark we can even drop hook outside Mar Menor, where we can find good protection to drop hook for a kip and it's got navigational lights to help guide us to do so! Puerto de Thomas Maestre, is the entrance Mar Menor. Mar Menor is an 'inner sea' with a narrow/shallow entrance with the added possibility of tidal currents......... yippee, guarded by a low bridge. Bob tells us they open the bridge at 1000 and then every 2 hr until 2000.
Here's to a good night (G&T style) xxxxxxxxx
Ticketeeboo MMSI 235071989 Callsign 2CED3
At 09/06/2013 14:26 (utc) our position was 38°45.06'N 000°13.53'E
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